Specific Category

A comprehensive training program for professional drone pilots

This well-documented drone course will teach you to perform drone operations within the specific category. The two-day course includes theoretical training as well as hands-on flying experience with multirotor drones.

2 days (09-16)
See details
Course certificate
NOK 12500

Course introduction

The course provides you with practical flying skills and a comprehensive understanding of operational procedures. The course also prepares you to plan and carry out Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) operations, allowing you to operate safely and in accordance with EU regulations within the specific category.

The drone course lasts two days and includes a mix of one-on-one instruction and classroom instruction in which we go deeply into the following topics:

  • Rules and regulations
  • Airspace and services
  • Navigation and charts
  • Aerodynamics and performance
  • System knowledge
  • Meteorology
  • Operational procedures
  • Human factors

The theory is based on the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority's curriculum for the STS exam and covers mandatory topics in the Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) methodology.

During the practical training program, you will receive 1-on-1 instruction on one of our drones, where you will acquire knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of STS-01 and PDRA-S01. You will learn practical application of operational procedures, checklists, and methods to reduce risks.

The course is led by our skilled instructors with a background in commercial aviation and extensive experience in unmanned aviation. We apply established principles from manned aviation, ensuring maximum learning outcomes and providing the best conditions to pass the STS exam and become a confident drone pilot.

Course material

Følgende kursmateriell er inkludert i dette kurset:

Alt Text
The Drone Book: A Theory Book for Unmanned Aviation

This second edition of The Drone Book includes the European regulations concerning unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). ”The Drone Book: A Theory Book for Unmanned Aviation” also covers the curriculum for pilot competence in the open (low-risk) and specific (medium-risk) drone categories. ”The Drone Book: A Theory Book for Unmanned Aviation” was originally published in Norwegian.

Alt Text
Remote Pilot: A beginner’s guide to flying drones (2020)

The book will provide you with a basic understanding of how to prepare your equipment, as well as some tips on how to fly drones with minimum risk – helping you to avoid the most common mistakes made by beginners. It is well suited for anybody in need of a comprehensive handbook on drone flying, whether you’re a complete beginner or a professional drone pilot.

Course certificate

Our recognized course certification will be awarded on completion of this course.

Course certificate

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Find a date that suits you

Upcoming programs dates

  • 06/03/2025
    Remote pilot specific category
    Sted - Drammen

    2 days (09-16)

    Enroll Now


    The specific is an operator category that covers medium-risk drone operations. Among other things, the category permits for flying beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) and flying over 120 meters. If you are unable to comply with the regulations in the open category, you will most likely end up in this category.
    Create a user account and pick the preferred course date to register for the course. You can also register for the course by sending an email to hei@droneakademiet.no with your contact information and preferred course date.
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