Our philosophy is not to have as many students as possible, but to focus on maintaining top quality and continuous development to adapt to the needs of the industry. We are a competence partner you can trust.
A vision to build the most competency drone operators and adapt to the latest technology there is.
The drone academy's instructors have several years of experience as flight instructors from manned aviation, in addition to extensive drone experience. With this combination, we are setting a new standard in skills development among drone pilots.
Our philosophy is not to have as many students as possible, but to focus on maintaining top quality and continuous development to adapt to the needs of the industry. We are a competence partner you can trust.
Academic weight
On courses at the Droneakademiet, theory and practice are combined in a profitable way with experienced lecturers and instructors who have in-depth knowledge of their subjects. We continuously work to keep up with trends, the latest developments in our areas of expertise and best practice in the industry. At the same time, we always focus on important partner collaborations in order to be the customer's most important point of contact for new expertise. Our employees are highly certified and take pride in being up-to-date on knowledge.
We follow standards for quality in flexible education and training prepared by the quality committee of Flexible Education Norway (FuN).
Good customer experiences
We care about our customers and good customer experiences. On our courses we have small groups, this is because we want you as a customer to have a good training situation, both to be seen, heard and to ask questions. We believe this provides the best conditions for good training and increased competence.
The technology
During all our practical courses, we use modern and professional equipment with several safety systems. When you take part in a practical drone course with us, you will get to know several different systems.
We are the indepentdent company behind the industry leading practioners & companies
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We have partnered with the best
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